
🚀 JavaScript Solved Problems

A collection of solved JavaScript problems, including fundamental concepts, algorithms, and real-world coding challenges.

🔗 JS Solved Repository

📌 Overview

This repository is designed to help developers learn and practice JavaScript by solving various problems. It covers topics such as:

📂 Folder Structure

│── basic/        # Fundamental JavaScript problems
│── dom/          # DOM manipulation challenges
│── algorithms/   # Data structures & algorithmic solutions
│── es6/          # Modern ES6+ JavaScript problems
│── real-world/   # Practical use-case challenges
└── README.md

🛠️ Getting Started

🚀 Clone the Repository

To use this repository on your local machine, follow these steps:

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/shihabuddin-dev/js-solved.git

# Navigate to the directory
cd js-solved

📜 Run the JavaScript Files

You can execute JavaScript files using Node.js or in the browser console.

node basic/example.js

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you have any additional solutions or improvements, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.

📞 Contact

💡 Developed by Shihab 🚀
😎 Facebook: Shihab Uddin 👨🏅 LinkedIn: Shihab Uddin 🐙 GitHub: Shihabuddin-dev

Keep Coding & Solving Challenges! 🚀